97 of 100 World's Largest Airports are Vulnerable to a Cyberattack
Thursday, January 30, 2020
New research finds that 97 out of 100 the world's largest airports have security risks related to vulnerable web and mobile applications, misconfigured public cloud, Dark Web exposure or code repositories leaks.
Ilia Kolochenko, CEO & Founder of ImmuniWeb, says: “Given how many people and organizations entrust their data and lives to international airports every day, these findings are quite alarming. Being a frequent flyer, I frankly prefer to travel via the airports that do care about their cybersecurity. Cybercriminals may well consider attacking the unwitting air hubs to conduct chain attacks of travelers or cargo traffic, as well as aiming attacks at the airports directly to disrupt critical national infrastructure. Today, when our digital infrastructure is extremely intricate and intertwined with numerous third-parties, holistic visibility of your digital assets and attack surface is pivotal to ensure the success of your cybersecurity program. Without it, all your efforts and spending are unfortunately vain.” Read Full Article
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